Recipes of the Month

Menù Speciality Food Points

01 October 2023

Grilled Artichokes Salad : serves 15

Menu Ingredients:

TO1X Grilled Artichokes 1 tin

XH1X Grilled Boccioli 1 tin

U31 Capperini in Salt 50g

Other Ingredients:

1 Kg Fresh Carrots

3 Oranges

1 Start Anis 

3 Lemons

Mixed Leaves & Herbs

Preparation: Drain the artichokes and cut to size; rinse the mini capers; cut the carrots to size; juice the oranges & make lemon segments

Method: Make a light caramel with the sugar; add the orange juice & star anis; cook until the liquid becomes like syrup; add the carrots: cook stirring gently until the liquid becomes a thick shiny glaze. 

When cold add 100ml of EV Olive oil.

Mix the artichokes, lemon segments & juice, mini capers, EV Olive oil & black pepper to taste.

Divide in portions or make a platter, garnish with the carrots, mixed leaves & Herbs.